I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours. Members present: Bill Britton, Mike William, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Dee Potter. Member absent: None. Others present: Chief Alvord, Captain Prindiville, Sleeper Curran and Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting November 1, 2011 and Special Meeting Minutes November 10, 2011 -
B. Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries – MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.
A. Nominations/Elections of Chairman – MSC: Williams/Potter to elect Larry Helsley to serve as Chairman. No other nominations were made. Vote unanimous, nominations closed. Larry Helsley is to serve as Chairman for the term of 2012.
B. Nominations/Elections of Vice Chairman – MSC: Williams/Helsley to elect George Owen to serve as Vice Chairman. No other nominations were made. Vote unanimous, nominations closed. George Owen is to serve as Vice Chairman for the term of 2012.
C. Set Date, Time, and Place of Regular Meetings for 2012 – MSC: Helsley/Owen to keep the current meeting date, time and place as the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Weaverville Fire Department.
A. Discuss/Approve annual awards banquet – Chief Alvord reported we will be having the awards banquet at La Grange this year, they were looking at Thursday January 12th, there was discussion regarding conflicts with this date.
B. Discuss/Approve annual audit performed by Matson & Isom – Clerk Watkins reported the audit looked good; there was one question and it had been resolved. MSC: Helsley/Potter to accept the audit performed by Matson & Isom as presented.
C. Discuss/Approve hall rental fee waiver for Soroptimist International of Trinity County chili feed fundraiser – MSC: Williams/Owen to approve the hall rental fee waiver for Soroptimist chili feed fundraiser on February 9th, 2012.
D. Discuss/Approve Resolution 11-3, Resolved, the HEART/WRERA and PPA amendments to the Weaverville Fire Districts 457 (b) plans – Chairman Britton reported this resolution is to finalize the changes IRS mandated. We do have to check certain options on the plan and suggests that the Board approves the Resolution as presented, pending Legal Advisor David Hammers approval. MSC: Helsley/Williams to approve Resolution 11-3, Resolved, HEART/WRERA and PPA amendments to the Weaverville Fire District 457 (b) plan pending Legal Advisor David Hammers approval.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord reported the BOS approved the grant amount and we should get a contract around the first of the year. Mr. McMillan has been working on a major project up 10 Cent Gulch, all of the property owners have agreed to the project.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:
Inspections – Sprinklers in the strip mall between Tops and Longs and a joint inspection of Jail and Juvenile Detention Center.
Plan reviews – 3 plan checks
Training – SCBA drills to practice running out of air, Driver Operator course (required for class C endorsement). Chief Alvord is working to get training at the Shasta College drill grounds.
Vehicles – During the Driver Operator class a small list of engine problems was created. WT-32 passed the pump test.
Misc – Fire Code Ordinance was adopted by the BOS, Safety meeting and fire drill at the Road Department, and a fire prevention program for the after school program. Mobile home fire on North Street was determined to be caused by electrical. We sent a driver to change out one for Junction City during a vehicle accident. Trinity County is still in the process of working on an MOU for the repeaters.
Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported he is officially laid off for the winter. He had been driving the engines once a week to keep them in shape.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – Chief Alvord reported they had a recruitment committee meeting; the committee will be seeking input for the next 30 days. The committee is working on a plan and will see what they can apply for through the SAFER FEMA grant, they hope to present a plan to the Board at the next Regular Meeting.
b. Collections Committee – Chairman Britton appointed Mr. Owen to the Collections Committee.
c. Contract Committee – None
d. Tuition Committee – None
D. Directors Reports – Mr. Williams thanked Chairman Britton for his year and Chairman.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: A thank you letter was received from the Mighty Fine Swine 4-H group thanking the Board for the hall rental fee waiver.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1646 hours.
Approved: January 3, 2012
______________________________ _____________________________
Larry Helsley, Chairman Marjie Watkins, Clerk